Puppies are three weeks old!
Hello everyone! The Cedar Bend puppies are three weeks old and growing fast! We set up their play yard today in our kitchen, they were outgrowing their whelping box and needed somewhere to play! We also moved their camera, so unfortunately, while we are still transitioning them back-and-forth, you will only see them when they are in their play yard. Because it is such a new experience for them, we find it easier if we put them in the play-yard for a few hours each day, and then move them back to their whelping box to sleep.
Aside from moving into their play-yard throughout the day, the puppies are also now eating soft kibble! They gobble it down as fast as they can and have been doing awesome with it! Ellie is still nursing them, but only a handful of times throughout the day, so they were getting hungry. All of the puppies can walk around now and are getting very vocal when they don't get what they want! They are starting to play and bark at one another. The puppies can have visitors now, and if you are interested in coming to see them, please let us know! We love to have people come snuggle them. The next step for the puppies will be learning how to sleep in a kennel, and also learning to potty in a separate area then they sleep and play. As you can see in their play area, they have access to a kennel (sleep area) toys hanging across the gate (play area) and potty pads, (potty area). This will help the puppies learn that there are separate areas for each thing, and will make the transition to their new homes go smoothly, as they learn to differentiate between sleep, play and potty. Keep a look out on the camera, as they will be playing more and more as they get bigger! Here are some photos of them at three weeks, and three days old!