Essential Oils and Pets
Are you an essential oil user? Did you know there's some essential oils that aren't safe to use with your pets? Check out this article...
Frankenstein Monsters?
I'm sure by now, you've all read or heard about the article going around about the 'creator' of labradoodles saying he created...
Socializing Your Puppy
The puppies are now almost 7 weeks old (CRAZY!) and are doing so well!! They enjoy playing with their toys, playing with our visitors we...
Puppy Playdate!!
When I first started researching the Australian Labradoodle, I came across a breeder that offered puppy socialization play dates to her...
Labradoodle Puppies 1st Road Trip
The puppies had their first road trip today! A few nights ago I messaged Tori Wild, an amazing local photographer who specializes in...